It’s no secret that we use Twinkl for a lot of Miss PPP’s home ed work, the quality and quantity of resources is outstanding. Some of the resources on offer will be very familiar to your kids as they’re the ones their teachers use in school.
With Tier 4 becoming the norm across the UK, another possible mass lockdown looming and school heading online – more and more parents are looking for ways to support their children’s learning, or expand/re-explain things that they are being shown in an online environment (face it, not every kid learns well in a 30+ student strong Zoom call).

How Twinkl Makes Home Ed Easier
When it comes to supporting your child’s education or educating at home on a full-time basis, Twinkl could be the lifeline you’re looking for, particularly with the discounts they’re offering soon.
We have the Ultimate membership, the highest one, that gives us access to Twinkl PlanIT – these curriculum-based units are worth their weight in gold as far as I am concerned. Broken into Year Group, Subjects and Topics you can download the topic and it will have Teaching Notes, Lesson Plans, PowerPoints, Resources, Guidance and Assessment notes. I found that the lesson plans really took some of the hard work out of teaching when we were first starting home ed and they’re all in a format that is familiar to kids who have just come out of mainstream school.
You also don’t need to wait until 1st Feb to try Twinkl out – you can check out the free things they have on offer; use pay-by-month subscription at the normal rates now and cancel at any time and then simply subscribe annually once the discount codes are up.
If you’d like to know more about the Twinkl Discount Event for Home Educators, the lovely people at Twinkl have sent the FAQ about the event below. I will post the codes once they go live in Feb.
Hi everyone – here is the news of our next Discount Event for Home Educators!
Your next opportunity to purchase an annual subscription at a discount will be in the week – 1st February – 7th February 2021 and the prices will remain the same as they have been for previous discounts!
As has become customary there is a list of Q and A’s below get you started. Please do read them as there is a good chance your query is answered here. If not, ask away!
Q. How much will membership be discounted?
A. Ultimate will be reduced from £101.88 to £70,
Extra will be reduced from £74.88 to £55,
Core will be reduced from £53.88 to £40 and
Secondary All will be reduced from £74.88 to £55.
Q. Which membership would be right for me?
A. This is a matter of personal preference but we have a blog on the website that you may find useful in helping you decide. Which is the right Twinkl Subscription for me?
Q. I’m new to Twinkl and not sure how much I would use a membership – will there be other Home Ed discounts?
A. In the past we have run Home Ed discounts approximately 3 or 4 times a year, but as we saw last year, things can change quickly and while we would hope this is the case, we are not able to categorically guarantee it.
Q. Why do we have to wait so long for the discount?
A. Feedback from previous discount offers has shown that some customers appreciate the time to plan their finances in order to participate.
Q. I don’t want to wait until February 1st for access – what can I do?
A. Lots of members take out a cancel any time monthly membership while waiting for the discount and find it has really helped them to decide which package is right to buy during the discount event. If you take out a month and then subscribe to the discount, the annual subscription will begin on the date your monthly subscription ends and will cancel it automatically.
Q. Will the discount cover monthly payments?
A. Sorry, the discount will only be applicable to annual payments
Q. I recently paid full price for a subscription can I claim back the difference?
A. Unfortunately whenever a discount is run it can seem a little unfair on people who have recently taken out a full-price subscription. However in this case you can still take advantage of the discount which will result in an additional 12 months being added to your subscription at the reduced price.
Q. If I subscribe monthly, do I need to cancel when I take out the discount offer?
A. If you are a monthly subscriber and you take out the discount offer, your new 12-month sub will kick in at the end of your current month and your monthly payment will be cancelled automatically. You won’t need to do anything other than sign up!
Q. How will the discount work?
A. A code will be published in this group at the beginning of the discount week and will remain live throughout the week. Then it is simply a case of signing up or renewing and entering the code at checkout.
Q. Why is the discount running over a week?
A. By running the discount over a whole week for the first time, we are hoping that everyone has the opportunity to ask important questions and that no one need miss out on the offer!
Q. Can I share this with other Home Educators?
A. Yes! Please do spread the word to ensure no one misses out! This post on our Facebook Page is shareable!…/posts/743700819591768
Q. Can I still take advantage even if my existing subscription won’t run out for a while?
A. Yes! Any subscription you take out with the discount will be added on the end of your existing subscription.