
Exclusive Raider’s Peril Minecraft Challenge

“I LOVE this! Now I can make Raider’s Peril for real in Minecraft!’ ~ Miss PPP

Everyone who went through ‘lockdown schooling’ with their kids over the past year knows that it can be really hard to find something that will keep them engaged in their learning. That’s why, whenever possible, I try to incorporate the things Miss PPP loves, into our lessons. As she’s currently obsessed with Minecraft and gaming, our current activity was a no-brainer!

Today I have combined some of the things Miss PPP loves the most to create a three-day lesson activity: the new Twinkl book ‘Raider’s Peril’, her fabulous imagination, and Minecraft!

Safe to say, her Friday has been made! ?


Welcome to the Minecraft Raider’s Peril challenge!

If you would like to use the same challenge for your child/children, please feel free to download the PDF below the challenge info.



Minecraft Raider's Peril Challenge

To complete this challenge Miss PPP has to:

1) Read the Twinkl Originals book Raider’s Peril (done)

2) Create a list of characters and locations in the book that she needs in order to make her Minecraft world as close to Raider’s Peril as possible.

3) Come up with designs and positioning for the strongholds within the Minecraft biome she has chosen for the setting.

4) Use Minecraft to create her basic building designs.

5) Go back into the basic designs if there is time and add more depth, features, command blocks, traps, tricks, and decorations.

This activity appears at first glance, to just be gameplay – however in reality it encourages the use of English, Art, Maths, Science, Technology & Design. The best part is that she’s learning AND having fun!

According to Miss PPP, this activity is up there with maths beside the river, lego building challenges, slime maths, stop animation for art, and volcano making for a favourite home ed activity.

I am really looking forward to seeing how Miss PPP brings this world to life.

You can download the challenge file here:


I would love to see the results of your Minecraft Raiders Peril Challenge – you can share your pics with me on Instagram or Facebook.

Minecraft Raider's Peril Challenge